Breach (2020)
HotMovie Info
Movie Overview | Breach (2020)
Tagline: Deep In Space They Are Not Alone.
To honor their loved ones, workers celebrate spontaneously that night. Noah promises to slaughter on New Earth. Ortega leaves the party to watch Blue welding alone. Blue kills Ortega. Clay discovers Noah's girlfriend is Admiral Adams' daughter. Stanley discovers Shady's decomposing body and accuses Blue of murder. Stanley's security detail catches Blue attempting to get into the admiral's quarters. Clay finds Ortega's body. Blue leaps and kills a security officer with a neck bite. Stanley and Teek must shoot Blue. Chambers autopsies Blue. Teek watches the webcam feed and sees Shady's death and Blue's sickness. Chambers claims Blue is hollow and the ship has a parasite.
Chambers discovers Noah is a stowaway, so Stanley grabs him. After solid defense, Clay frees Noah. Stanley is slain by the three reanimated crewmen as the survivors plan. After Chambers injures the remaining infected, Teek, Clay, and Noah escape. The newly infected Stanley unleashes the infected and unlocks the crew's quarters, which quickly infest. Clay guides survivors to the arsenal. Clay suggests using a flame thrower as Chambers cannot discover a weakness in the infected. Flame throwers start fire suppression, blocking vision. Lincoln rejoins the group as the infected carry Teek into the mist. Clay races to rescue Teek. Lincoln suggests escape pods when Teek and Clay return, but Teek prefers the security bay.
Lincoln escapes in a pod but is killed offscreen. Stanley grabs Clay as they lock themselves in the security bay. Noah shoots Stanley before he infects Clay and locks the door. With 84 days till the Ark reaches New Earth, survivors battle to defend against the sick and rescue passengers. Clay takes Noah via ducts to the Admiral, who they believe will rescue them. Noah meets the Admiral, and Teek informs Clay and Chambers that he is responsible for everything and a revolutionary against New Earth repopulation.
After waking his security force, the Admiral advises deploying harder weapons against the sick. The infected break inside the security room, killing Teek. Clay and Chambers defeated them. Blue collapses from cleaning fluid droplets after following Noah. The Admiral's security force is overpowered. The Admiral shoots himself up with a grenade as Noah reports his findings, killing the infected. Chambers and Clay think it's over, but body parts rejoin.
This mutant is stronger, and the infected enter the reactor core. At Clay's moonshine stash, Noah explains the cleaning fluid's effect and the team strengthens weaponry. The infected overheat the reactor while planning their attack, lowering arrival time. Chambers believes the parasite was manipulating them to reach the reactor core, while Noah believes it wants to kill the last 50 million New Earthers and the ship's passengers. Travelers become sick. Clay sends Noah to rescue Hayley, and they reach an escape pod as the mutant attacks. The alien's first attack kills Chambers, and Clay is defeated and dies resisting.
Noah and Hayley seek for the remaining escape pod, but Noah splits to launch. Weapons weaken creatures. Clay texts Noah as he departs the bridge. Noah and Hayley flee as Clay self-destructs the Ark. As they leave the escape pod on New Earth, Noah and Hayley find another infected individual and a jet fighter fighting a huge monster. Film ends with Noah lifting his weapon and saying "Burn 'em all".
Other Info
- Edward Drake,
- Corey Large
- Corey Large,
- Danny Roth,
- Mike Donovan,
- Ryan Charles Griffin
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Editor review
There are certain movies that are so terrible that they are amusing, such as Plan 9 from outer space, which is always one of my favorites. This one was nothing out of the usual.
Despite the fact that they constructed a tiny set and used it several times to give the impression that it was other parts of the ship, they did not alter any features of the set, which made it abundantly clear that this balsawood corridor was the best that could be obtained. The scenario that took place close to the air vents, in which the man kept crawling past the same duct tape that was on the wall, was fun to watch. Despite the fact that the last monster was an extraterrestrial, if it consumed Haribo, fried chicken, cake, and full sugar cola and remained still, it would be considered a somewhat obese creature. As the special effects began to blend together.
In a single word, it is unbearable, yet it is not so terrible that it would cause you to laugh at their expense. However, you come to the realization that you have squandered an hour and a half of your life.
User reviews
Best Actor: Bruce Willis