Ghostbusters (1984)
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Listed by
John Wilson
September 29, 2024
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Movie Overview | Ghostbusters (1984)
Ghostbusters is a Fantasy Comedy Movie starring Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd. Ghosts start to appear around New York City and the "Ghost Busters" are there to save the day.
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User reviews
A Classic Comedy Must See
(Updated: January 04, 2025)
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This is almost the perfect movie. NYC in the 1980s. Bill Murray's dry humor in this movie is fantastic. The story is great and the special effects are great for the times. Sigourney Weaver as the love interest for Murray really plays well. A cameo by Rick Moranis is hysterical. There is not a slow moment in this movie at all. The finale is both funny and visually well done. Who ya gonna call when you need to get rid of some ghosts? The GhostBusters of course! With many sequels now made for this classic, the original is by far the best and can't be beat. If for some reason you have never seen this movie, you should see it tonight. You will be happy you did.