Hidden Strike (2023)
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Movie Overview | Hidden Strike (2023)
Other Title: Project X-Traction
Tagline: There Is A Plan. They Just Don't Know What It Is.
Two elite soldiers must escort civilians through a gauntlet of gunfire and explosions.
In the story, an oil refinery in Iraq is attacked by mercenaries led by ex-special forces soldier Owen Paddock. Luo Feng leads his private security company to evacuate civilian employees along the Highway of Death to the Green Zone. Feng's daughter, Mei, resents him for not being there during her death due to a top secret mission. Meanwhile, former US Marine Chris Van Horne joins his mercenary brother Henry in attacking the convoy, who claim they are tracking down a man responsible for their previous attack.
Feng discovers that five civilians have been kidnapped from Bus 8, including Professor Chang and her son. Chris confronts Henry and Owen about the kidnapping, who threatens to reactivate the refinery and profit off the oil trade. After he leaves, Owen shoots Henry for failing to kill Feng and two other loyal merceries. Feng tracks down Chris and learns about his intentions to help the children in his village after his father was killed in a rebel ambush.
Chris and Feng try to get rid of Owen's men but give up what they need to protect the village. They return to the refinery to find the codes needed for the largest oil heist known to man. Chris pursues Owen and his group with Mei, while Feng follows closely in the rocket truck. Mei accidentally crashes Chris's car, and Mei and Chris get picked up by Feng. Owen's plans are foiled when the rocket truck blows up one of the truck tankers, causing a chain reaction.
Feng and Mei mourn Chris's death, but it is revealed that he survived. Feng's team arrests the perpetrators behind the oil heist on the ship. Chris accepts Feng's offer to join a new mission.
Other Info
- Chonglie Zhu,
- Esmond Ren,
- Hans Canosa
- China
- United States
- English
- Mandarin
Movie Homepage: XYZ Films
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User reviews
- Action-Packed Sequences: The movie excels in delivering high-energy action scenes, with both Chan and Cena showcasing their physical prowess and stunt abilities.
- Chemistry Between Leads: The unexpected pairing of Chan and Cena brings a refreshing and entertaining dynamic to the screen, balancing intense moments with light-hearted banter.
- Engaging Plot: The storyline keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, blending elements of suspense, adventure, and a touch of humor.
- Predictable Plot Points: While the film is entertaining, some plot twists and character arcs may feel familiar to seasoned action movie fans.
- Pacing Issues: At times, the movie’s pacing can be uneven, with certain scenes feeling rushed while others drag on slightly.
Overall, Hidden Strike is a fun and engaging action film that leverages the star power of its leads to deliver an enjoyable cinematic experience. Whether you’re a fan of Jackie Chan’s martial arts or John Cena’s larger-than-life presence, this movie offers something for everyone.