Sisu (2023)
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Movie Overview | Sisu (2023)
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- Jalmari Helander
- Jalmari Helander
- Petri Jokiranta,
- Mike Goodridge,
- Gregory Ouanhon,
- Sirkka Rautiainen,
- Antonio Salas
- Finland
- United Kingdom
- United States
- English
- Finnish
Helldorf's second-in-command Wolf learns of Aatami's past, as he became the legendary "one-man death squad" during the Winter War. Helldorf defies his orders to continue retreating to hunt down Aatami and steal the gold, explaining that Nazi Germany needs the gold to escape prosecution for war crimes. German soldiers dispatch dogs to follow Aatami's trail, but Aatami's dog is discovered by Helldorf.
Aatami discovers Rovaniemi has been left in burning ruins and takes shelter in the remains of a petrol station. Helldorf sends Aatami's dog to find him, but Aatami saves his life by hooking his wounds onto protruding rebar. Helldorf discovers an abandoned plane with the pilot hanged by the same noose used on Aatami. Aatami climbs onto the truck holding the female captives, kills their guards, and arms the women. Aino, the de-facto leader of the women, commandeers one of the trucks, allowing Aatami to leap onto Helldorf's tank. Helldorf kills Schütze before taking off with the pilot. Aatami fires at the plane, mortally wounding the pilot, and uses his pickaxe to get onboard in midair. Helldorf and Aatami engage in hand-to-hand combat, with Helldorf dropping Helldorf to his death. The freed women drive the German tank to an incredulous Finnish Army unit.