Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023)
Movie Info
Movie Overview | Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023)
When a new threat capable of destroying the entire planet emerges, Optimus Prime and the Autobots must team up with a powerful faction known as the Maximals. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, humans Noah and Elena will do whatever it takes to help the Transformers as they engage in the ultimate battle to save Earth.
Joby Harold (Story)
Joby Harold
Darnell Metayer
Josh Peters
Erich Hoeber
Jon Hoeber
Michael Bay
Tom DeSanto
Lorenzo di Bonaventura
Duncan Henderson
Don Murphy
Mark Vahradian
In 1994, Noah Diaz steals a Porsche, only to discover it is the Autobot Mirage in disguise. Museum intern Elena Wallace accidentally breaks open an ancient statue of a falcon bearing the Maximal symbol, revealing the key hidden inside. Optimus Prime summons other Autobots, including Arcee and Bumblebee, to retrieve the key and return to their homeworld, Cybertron.
The Terrorcons attack the Autobots outside the museum, and Scourge steals half of the key. The Autobots then meet Optimus Primal and the other Maximals, who entrust the second half of the key to a human tribe they have worked with for millennia. Scourge's corruption overtakes Airazor, and Optimus destroys the key and collapses the portal, leaving Unicron stranded.
Optimus and Noah work together to protect their homeworlds from Unicron. They battle the Terrorcon army, and Mirage transforms his body into a powered exo-suit for Noah. Bumblebee helps turn the tide of the battle, and Optimus kills Scourge before destroying the key and closing the portal. The Autobots proclaim Earth as their new home and vow to continue protecting it alongside the Maximals.