Reviews written by Grace15
A bored tennis pro charms his way into a wealthy family and achieves financial success. He risks it all with an affair that proves deadly. It covers all the Allen themes of angst and fame, where the lure of money and power is more important than love. And where...
This new version of the Willy Wonka story is much lighter and sweet than the previous ones. Timothee Chalamet is charming and appealing which is a change from his usual more serious roles. The fat suit policeman was not necessary and little off-putting. It’s a feel good movie that...
Every actor is perfectly cast in this hysterical story which depicts the clash of different classes. Nick Nolte was never better and Richard Dreyfuss does his best performance ever Even the dog is funny!! I did not stop laughing and it holds up in repeat viewings
The final Bond movie with Daniel Craig is the least satisfying He comes out of retirement to save the world Reconnects with his last love and child!! You feel they need to end his story with a bang and they do But of all the Daniel Craig Bond movies...
Kevin Kline sweetly plays a teacher trying to fight the truth of his sexuality Tom Selleck is perfect as the reporter who helps him come to terms with who he is- Selleck is funny and sweet in a role that is unusual for hin Joan Cusack is hilarious as...
A very sweet remake of the Willy Wonka story. Timothee Chalumet is perfect and gives Willy a sweetness not seen in previous movies with Gene Hackman and Johnny Depp Visually beautiful and perfect casting A feel good movie
Very strange movie with disturbing scenes. Tom Cruise is robotic in his performance while Nicole Kidman is affective and mysterious. Her character is very sensual. The story is disturbing as the Cruise character gets in over his head with a strange cult . The movie moves slowly and creates...
Excellent ensemble cast with Sean Penn as usual spot on perfect in his depiction of Harvey Milk. His acting captures the real man without being overly flamboyant. The story of Milk is of an almost reluctant hero of the gay community and the telling of it is moving. All...
The first Bond movie pales in comparison to the later Bonds in terms of action and special effects. But it introduces us to the Sean Connery James Bond who is super cool and suave . We are brought into the world of Bond with beautiful women who fall in...
A story that takes place in the 70’s but remains a classic. John Travolta, not a fine actor, is perfectly cast to play a young rudderless man living a sad life who comes alive in the dance studio. The dancing is mesmerizing and The Bee Gees songs create a...
Perfectly cast movie . Richard Dreyfuss is at his best and Roy Schneider and Robert Shaw bounce off him beautifully. The build up of tension is very effective and the music is gripping. i have watched it repeatedly and it never fails to make me jump from the tension....
Great performance from Ray Liotta anchors this mob movie, though all the performances are spot on. The story follows the real life story of a street thug rises from a smart alec kid in the street who becomes an integral part of his mafia family As always Scorsese is...
A feel good story with the theme that money can’t buy happiness. Beautifully acted. Tea Leoni always perfect and Nicholas Cafe shines. It is funny and feel- good and warm but never preachy. I have watched it multiple times and love watching it. Perfect ending.
Great heist story with a very engaging ensemble cast that has good chemistry. Exciting chase scenes. Edward Norton nails it as a slimy villain. Rest of the actors perfectly cast and work together with grace and wit. A clever story line with interesting twists. Keeps you on your toes...
A thriller with twists and turns. First significant role for Sharon Stone and she nails it- she is sexy and always a borderline sociopath. At the time it was released the sex scenes were considered very bold. Michael Douglas always shines and is very effective as the detective who...
A heartbreaking tragedy that is grounded in moving performances by Nicholas Cage and Elisabeth Shue. With any other actors this story would probably not have been as effectively conveyed. These are two sad lost souls who somehow make a genuine connection that you can feel and makes you root...
A movie with violence and supernatural happenings is anchored by a story of love. The performances of Swayze and Moore elevate this movie to a heartwarming experience. Whoopi Goldberg is outstanding in a role that is funny as well as moving. Her performance in this role is essential to...
Perfect movie Nicholas Cage and Cher give spot on performances and are complimented by the rest of the cast The story is funny and warm and captures so much about Italian families that rings true. It’s a feel good story and I have watched it so many times- it...
Russell Crowe anchors and saves this story of demonic possession He presents a character of depth and feeling but also tinged with a wit that with another actor would not work. The cinematography is very effective and the soundtrack is perfect Despite its predictability, with Crowe at the center...
Every actor shines in this funny murder mystery. A dysfunctional family with each member hiding unpleasant truths. Actors all seem to be having a lot of fun, especially Daniel Craig acting against type and a far cry from his Bond movies. A very entertaining romp- silly but fun. ...
A very moving story beautifully acted. Eric Stoltz is perfectly cast and despite the significant makeup his warmth and intelligence shine through. Cher gives a perfect performance as his mother and her acting is understated and effective. I did not expect to be so drawn in to the characters...
Absolutely hysterical ! Every joke is broad and spot on! Great sendup of disaster movies. I can’t imagine how the actors got through their dialogue with a straight face It is a classic masterpiece and can be watched over and over and is hysterical each time!
Beautifully acted by Harrison Ford. An emotional journey by a man struck by tragedy. A story of a man struck by tragedy who learns how to come back to life with the help of his wife - one of her best acting roles Very moving and sad but also...
Terrible casting choices Why not get actors who CAN sing??
Lightly entertaining Hits you on the head with its story We get it after the first few minutes! Not worth a full movie