Reviews written by Andre Gonzales
"Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris" is a charming and enchanting film that transports viewers to the glamorous world of 1950s Paris. Directed by Anthony Fabian, the movie follows the story of Mrs. Ada Harris, a kind-hearted and hardworking London widow who becomes captivated by the allure of a Dior...
In this sequel to the 2014 film, Angelina Jolie reprises her role as Maleficent, the enigmatic queen from Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty.” The movie takes a fresh perspective, portraying Maleficent as a volatile antihero rather than a straightforward villain. Jolie’s performance, complete with razor-sharp prosthetic cheekbones and velvety wings, reminds...
"Another Year" (2010) is a poignant and introspective film directed by acclaimed British filmmaker Mike Leigh. The movie follows the lives of a happily married couple, Tom and Gerri, over the course of a year, as they interact with their family and friends, many of whom are struggling with...
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024) marks a thrilling continuation of the beloved franchise, set generations after the era of Caesar. Directed by Wes Ball, this film explores a world where apes have solidified their dominance, and humans are mere shadows of their former selves. ...
Steven Spielberg’s “War Horse” (2011) is a poignant and visually stunning film that captures the essence of courage, friendship, and the brutal realities of war. Based on Michael Morpurgo’s novel and the subsequent stage adaptation, the film follows the extraordinary journey of a horse named Joey and his young...
“A Castle for Christmas” (2021) is a delightful holiday rom-com that offers a cozy escape into the picturesque Scottish countryside. Starring Brooke Shields as Sophie Brown, a bestselling author seeking solace after a public scandal, and Cary Elwes as Myles, a grumpy duke, the film is a charming blend...
Noel Coward's classic comedy "Blithe Spirit" has seen numerous adaptations over the years, but the 2020 film version starring Dan Stevens, Isla Fisher, and Judi Dench brings a fresh dose of charm and zaniness to the haunting tale. The story follows Charles (Stevens), a writer...
Ridley Scott's *Prometheus* (2012) ambitiously delves into the origins of humanity through the lens of a science fiction odyssey, combining breathtaking visuals with deep philosophical questions. The film sets out to explore the universe's grand mysteries, particularly our creation, yet leaves viewers with a mix of awe and puzzlement...
Director Tom Hooper's adaptation of the iconic musical "Les Misérables" is nothing short of a cinematic triumph. Released in 2012, this film captures the heart-wrenching beauty and timeless themes of Victor Hugo's classic novel, delivering a powerful and emotionally resonant experience for audiences. At the heart of "Les Misérables"...
"The Dry," directed by Robert Connolly and based on the bestselling novel by Jane Harper, is a captivating and atmospheric thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. With its compelling storytelling, brilliant performances, and haunting cinematography, this film delivers a gripping experience...
The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) has several strong points that make it an enjoyable film, especially for the holiday season: Imaginative Portrayal of Creativity: The film takes a unique approach, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. Seeing Dickens interact with his characters...
The Dark Knight Rises, the final chapter in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, is a visually stunning and thought-provoking superhero film. While it doesn't quite reach the phenomenal heights of its predecessor, The Dark Knight, it delivers a satisfying conclusion to Bruce Wayne's story. Strengths: ...
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, directed by Lasse Hallström, is surprisingly a romantic comedy. Despite the often nauseating nature of romcoms, a mainstream film with fishing as its central theme is rare and definitely worth a watch. That was my excuse for spending a couple of hours watching the...
One of the most active user I have seen here on this site. She wrote highest number of reviews on movies!
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Just In Time For Christmas is a frothy, light romantic comedy that hits all the right notes as far as the requirements for a Hallmark Channel movie go. However for these reasons it falls below expectations, as it is a “Hallmark Hall of Fame” movie and that...
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